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Pyra Vastu or Pyramidology – What is it?

Vastu Shastra is the ancient science of balancing elemental energies with that of placement, space and items with relevant directions; however, there is more to it. As per vastu expert from Dubai, there are numerous aspects to vastu Shastra, for instance it comprises of crystals, vastu balls and even pyramidology or Pyra that is less known to majority who are interested in Vastu. Understanding Pyra is essential as for fact it is not only an ancient structure but it is relevant in Vastu Shastra as well.


What is Pyramid?

As fascinating as Pyramids are, it is essential to understand that these huge structures that are amazing part of Egyptian culture are indeed utmost significant to vastu Shastra as well. Imbued with the power to focus cosmic energy and healing properties it is something that is designed in a specific manner that serves the purpose of uplifting humanity. Ingenious power of Pyra is undeniable, when used in the right manner it acts as a healing tool that can instantaneously help with relieving symptoms, with magical properties it also has the power to cease road accidents when placed in the right direction. The structure of pyramids is such that it possesses cosmic positivity that helps in curing numerous diseases and renders serenity, harmony and peace in the environment it is placed, such is its power. 

Pyra or Pyramidology

When we look at the unique structure of a pyramid, it is designed to harness cosmic energy and focus it on a focal point where it is required. The pattern or the structure is full of massive energy, the focal point called Pyra or the Fire and Mid is center, concentrated Pyramid is filled with the power to strike equilibrium wherever there is power misbalance or negativity is experienced. Often spiritual structures are designed with the geometric pattern of pyramid, for instance religious places of significance, temples, church, monasteries and mosques.


Pyramidology as remedial vastu tool

Deploying different tools and techniques, vastu Shastra utilizes the energy of pyramid as well within a structure or at a site that requires rectification. Pyramids are available in metal and crystal forms with different combinations for the purpose of rectification. It is essential to note that not only it acts as a tool to transmute negative energy into positive one, but also holds the power to change the environment and make it auspicious wherever it is placed. Holding the power to attract and focus cosmic positivity in and around it instills the environment with vibrant energy that helps elevate heaviness wherever it is placed.

 Even though different types of pyramids are available in the market these days, one should avoid randomly picking any, it is essential to understand which one is suitable and for what purpose should one use it. Noteworthy aspect regarding pyramids is that while one type may be good for a given situation, the same might not be suitable for another. While for a particular remedial measure (depending upon the zone that needs correction) – a metal pyramid may be recommended, the placement, the direction and the personalized vastu Shastra remedial measure might be suitable for a particular individual, it may differ for another, varying on individual and case basis. It is advisable to consult a vatu Shastra expert to reap the benefits of utilizing Pyra power.

Gaumukhi OR Shermukhi – Vedasrivastu

Vastu Shastra compliance for constructing factories is essential as it would be harbinger of luck, fortune and abundance to the factory owner and the productivity level of the people working would be optimal with positivity in the environment. It is therefore essential that while you are handling practical aspects of factory location, investment and documentations, vastu Shastra too should be considered; let us hear it from vastu Shastra expert from Dubai on factory plots, what is auspicious and what is considered inauspicious.

Gaumukhi Plot

Broadly speaking there are two prime shapes to consider when it comes to factory plot shapes, one is Gaumukhi or cow-face and other one is Shermukhi or lion-face, let us understand the importance of these and the aesthetics, benefits and when it becomes inauspicious or what is more auspicious direction for purchasing these.


The shape of a cow-faced plot is considered auspicious due to the fact that cow is a holy animal in our scriptures, while one side is narrow another side is broad, thus calling it cow-face. The scientific concept behind this is a small mouth / front façade gradually takes the energy in and also consume and acuumulate gradually when it moves inside. Inside it moves gradually in mandlakar format


  • The plot is aesthetically more appealing to the vision of the onlooker, it is therefore ideal for residential purposes.
  • The energy flow too is positive as the shape is such and it enhances harmony between those who live there.
  • For better ambience the plot shape offers good front yard setting wherever it is required for aesthetic purpose.
  • Suitable for residential, religious, and cultural constructions, the plot is versatile. 


Such plots are broader in the front and narrow at the back, opposite to Gaumukhi plots. These are considered auspicious for commercial purpose as the animal itself is symbol of power, courage, control and efficiency. Such plots are ideal for all types of business ventures.


  • The shape of the plot is practically ideal for establishing industry or a factory.
  • Due to the broader space at the rear of the plot, it is advantageous for factory setting where storage, machinery and functional areas are required.
  • Aesthetically it may be less appealing, but it is considered one of the best shapes for factory construction purposes. 

shermukhi good plot

Inauspicious directions for  Gaumukhi and Shermukhi plots

  • North east extension for Gaumukhi is ideal as per vastu expert from Dubai. It is essential to keep other aspect in mind prior to purchasing such a shape plot or else it would create imbalance
  •  The extension should not be in the south east direction for Shermukhi shaped plot as it would then lead to negativity and will be prone to fire and accidents.


These might be simplistic yet potent tips when it comes to purchasing the right type of auspicious plot for constructing factories, yet it is always advisable that one should engage a vastu Shastra expert to gain insight and personalized solutions to avoid negative outcomes.

Auspicious and Inauspicious Plots for Constructing Residences

Residential vastu expert from Dubai explains how it is essential to first assess whether a plot is auspicious or inauspicious for construction, numerous factors are at play when it comes to choosing the right site for constructing residences. When the right or auspicious plot is chosen then it is likely to bring fortune and abundance to its dwellers, when the opposite is done then it only wreaks havoc in the lives of its inhabitants, let us understand all about it.

Residences - vedasrivastu

Auspicious & Inauspicious Plot

To determine whether a plot is auspicious or inauspicious for constructing residency there are some tips that you can apply and check.

  • Let the owner of the plot dig a pit equal to the length, depth, and breadth of their hand in evening, then fill it with pure water. Check the direction of the water rotation after it is filled up, clockwise is auspicious if the water is rotating in anticlockwise direction then remedial and rectification measures need to be applied using vastu Shastra and religious ceremony.
  • After digging the pit and filling it up with water as mentioned above, take hundred steps away from it, return back and check if the water level is the same than the house is good for you. If the water level decreases than such plot should be avoided
  • According to Vastu expert of Dubai there are many other ways of checking the energies level of the plot before you buy. 

Checking auspicious & inauspicious omens on digging

There are some common yet potent signs that directly indicate if a plot is auspicious or inauspicious after checking what materials/ items are unearthed while laying foundation:

Inauspicious omens

  • If one finds python or termite, snake, eggs, husk or chaff then it is inauspicious, if one builds a house on such a plot then they will suffer with immense pain.
  • If sea shells or cowrie shells are unearthed then the residents of such a plot will suffer with chaos in their relationships.
  • Torn cloth is unearthed then it leads to extreme worry within the inhabitants of the plot.
  • Burnt or broken pot or pieces or broken tiles lead to quarrels, burnt wood would mean diseases manifest.
  • Iron pieces are the worst omen to the owner of the house resulting in their death.

Such places should consulted well with an experienced Vastu expert and proper remedial measures should be conducted

Auspicious omens

  • Good omens as per vastu expert from Dubai to unearth would be tortoise shell/ oyster shell, conch-shell and cow-horn.
  • Unearthing or finding copper coins, stones, bricks on digging for foundation would bring good luck to the occupants.
  • A land where cow had lived is considered auspicious.
  • Land where you find Tulsi bring good omen to the inhabitants 

Auspicious plot shapes to consider

  • To be successful in all your endeavors ensure you purchase a rectangular plot.
  • For increasing your prosperity purchase a square shaped plot.
  • If you are dealing with academics and require enhanced wisdom then circular plot is ideal shape for you.

Residences - vedasrivastu

Avoid the following shapes

  • Triangular shaped plots would bring fear from authorities.
  • Plot that is broad at one end and narrow at another brings danger to house pets.
  • Bow shaped plot adds to fear and anxiety issues.
  • Curved boundaries with straight boundaries on either sides would lead to loss of wealth quickly.

It is advisable to consult a vastu Shastra expert to help with thorough analysis of the plot prior to purchasing one or signing a deal for one to avoid misfortunes and to invite good luck. 

The Influence of Vastu Shastra on Modern Interior Design

When it comes to incorporating vastu Shastra in modern interior design, it is always something that should match the taste of the person vs. alignment with vastu Shastra principles. As per the best vastu consultant in Dubai, when vastu Shastra principles are aligned with interior design in modern structure, then perfect harmony prevails and balance between energy, matter, and material is all considered. Let us understand the concept on a deeper level.

Modern Interior Design - Vedasrivastu

New Breakthrough

It is obvious that when modern design meets vastu Shastra the ancient science of design it creates a new breakthrough. Emphasis is heavily laid on striking harmony with the spaces, aligning natural forces and balancing out the cosmic energy. All this is essential to bring about tranquility in the environment and in the lives of the occupants. For this reason modern interiors are now designed as per vastu Shastra principles and it is in high demand with regard to living spaces.

Spatial Planning

One must remember that the core principles of vastu Shastra is based on achieving perfect balance between the five elements, such as: earth, water, fire, air, and space. Planning interiors is done as per the same methodology, in modern set up these five elements are matched with five physical representative martials like, metals, stones, wood, etc. creating a balance of elements within spatial planning is where it takes place. The layout is optimized in harmony with the flow of energy; the design is functional as well as soothing due to the proper balance of spiritual energies.

Placement Planning

Different colors impact the psyche in different manner, vastu Shastra too is all about proper balance of positive vibrations with regard to space, light, colors and elements. Building windows in the right direction that would enable free movement of air / sky element is balanced. Creating an ambience of serenity using wood furniture placed in alignment with the earth element helps harnessing positive energy. Positioning of bed as per vastu Shastra, using harmonious colors and lights as per vastu compliance, is all about balancing décor elements with cosmic elements. 

Integrating nature

Often due to space constrain in metropolis, homeowners are demanding interiors be incorporated with bonsai and greenery become a part of their interior tapestry. It is all due to their love of nature and to have a green patch area of their own where they can unwind and be in touch with nature. Jute décor, bamboo, water fountain, bonsai plants are fast becoming a part of indoor greenery.

Modern Interior Design - Vedasrivastu

Natural Materials

It is no longer about being rigid in planning interiors, it is more about being one with nature, environment friendly materials are now being used in designs. Utilization of sustainable materials and incorporating eco-friendly material go well with modern design. Environmental awareness is at its peak with growing consciousness regarding saving the planet, vastu Shastra becomes an integral part of it all. Thus, modern design along with vastu Shastra principles creates a perfect living space where nature and humans are in harmony.

Essentials for making a meditation room in a residence

In this chaotic life where stress is increasing and taking a toll on our health both emotional and physical it becomes essential to indulge in some holistic practice, such as yoga and meditation. Now that it is ideal to join a yoga or meditation class, it is equally the fuss that traveling to get there is indeed difficult and stressful. So, the best that you can do is create space in your own home dedicated for meditation room. As per vastu expert from Dubai there are few yet powerful vastu Shastra tips that will help you create a serene atmosphere where you can harness the energy of elements and directions to make your ideal meditation room.


Tips for Meditation Room

  • North-east is the ideal direction for creating meditation room as the direction comprises high positive vibrations from the cosmos that would filter through the body of the one meditating.
  • All pastel shades and green colors are good to be used in your meditation room that exude serenity and promotes positivity. Additionally, ensure that your meditation room receives ample daylight or sunrays to keep it positive.
  • Keeping your meditation room free of clutter and only useful items to be used in meditation would ensure that you have positive vibrations without any disruption.
  • Buddha statue or painting, uplifting pictures and paintings, mandala art and OM symbol are ideal for adorning your meditation room that would create a visually positive environment.
  • Ensure that you utilize natural elements that are alignment with the five elements of vastu Shastra for promoting tranquility: using clear quartz or amethyst crystals in the right direction as suggested by vastu expert from Dubai. Using materials like bamboo wind chimes, cotton linen, wood flooring or low chairs and silk are good to begin with.
  • To create serene environment utilizing sound therapy and aroma therapy is ideal. Use a diffuser with rose or sandalwood essential oils, OM meditation music can be played in background.

Meditation 2

How to keep sleeping room in order

It is said ‘a proper place for everything makes the space proper’, well it’s not just a saying but vastu Shastra too works on the same principle, it is all about keeping your sleeping room or bedroom in the correct order. As per vastu expert from Dubai: It is all about organizing and placement of all the items right from the bedsheets to the furniture and even electronics in your bedroom in the right direction and in the right manner that would highly impact the energy of your sleeping room and aid in a good night sleep. Additionally, if it’s a couple’s room then they will have a harmonious relationship.

keep sleeping room in order

Position of the Bed

  • For a sound sleep it is essential that the positioning of the bed in the bedroom should be in the right direction that should be in alignment with the right poles of the earth so as not to cause disturbance in your sleep due to opposing magnetic poles.
  • South-west direction is ideal for the placement of the bed wherein the person sleeping should sleep with their head in the east or south direction that would enable in harnessing positive vibrations of the relevant directions.
  • The bed should be made of wood and it should be either square or rectangular, any other material or any other shape of the bed would cause confusion and conflicts.
  • Avoid placing bed under a beam if it cannot be avoided then consider adding a false ceiling above to correct the vastu dosha.

Easy Tips for a Sound Sleep

  • Mirrors should be avoided in bedroom, especially directly in front of the bed.
  • Keeping the bedroom clutter free would give you clarity of mind and serenity.
  • Bedroom is not the ideal place for keeping electronic items that includes laptops and tablets too.
  • Bedroom walls should ideally be painted in pastels and earth tones like white, pink or cream.
  • It is ideal to air out the room every now and then to maintain the balance of air element that controls the emotional state of the one occupying the room.

Placement of Wardrobe / Cupboard

  • South-west and west are ideal directions for wardrobe installation or keeping a cupboard. Alternatively, north-west too is a good option for the same.

Placement of Electronics

  • If you cannot avoid electronics then placing a TV set in the south-east would be ideal.
  • Avoid placing TV directly in front of the bed to ensure that your bed is not reflected on its surface.

Right Type of Bed Linen

  • Ensure fresh, clean and new bedsheets are used.
  • Light and pastel shades are ideal for linen in a bedroom.
  • Often decorating bed with extra pillows and cushions are a trend, but this should be avoided as it breeds negativity.

Placement of Flowers and Plants

  • Artificial plants and flowers should be avoided, if you like to decorate then adorn your bedroom with real and fresh flowers that should be changed daily.
  • Placing flowers in a vase with the ideal color is essential as it affects the vibes of the room: red vase for increasing love in relationships; yellow vase for students for concentration and knowledge.
keep sleeping room in order
Sleeping room 2 1

Dos and Don’ts as per Vastu for Bedroom


  • Ensure that the door installed in your bedroom should create a 90 degree angle when it’s open.
  • The door of the bedroom should never make creaking sound or have cracks or kept dirty.
  • Keeping pleasant pictures like family pictures and pictures or paintings that are pleasant within your eyeshot in bedroom is good.


  • Bed placement should be avoided across bathroom and directly in front of the door.
  • The center of the house should be kept free and therefore no bedroom shall be designed in that direction.
  • Mirror or reflection of bed in any shiny surface in your bedroom is bad for your health.
  • Avoid box beds as it would only breed negativity or only store items that you use and discard the rest.

Importance of Crystal Balls in Vastu Shastra

Sun rays comprise seven colors that are in correspondence to the seven major chakras or epicenter of energy in human body that governs health whether physical or emotional. Now if by any chance any of these chakras are imbalanced or energy flow is blocked, then the individual in question would face numerous problems related health, finances, success, low energy and even suffer with numerous diseases manifested in the body due to the imbalances, however the ancient science of Vastu Shastra as per vastu expert from Dubai has the answer to it all: it is all about using vastu crystal balls to bring back harmony within and outside.

crystal ball 2 1

Crystal balls are the source of magnification of the energy and rays of sun that are used in vastu Shastra practice. It is all to achieve harmony, energetic positivity and to balance the chakras of the people occupying the particular space it is hung or used for specific purpose.

Beauty of Crystal Balls

Spherical shaped crystal balls are highly attractive and have magnetic energy with the ability to bring back the harmony and positivity to the environment. These when used in the right manner as per vastu expert from Dubai then it is good for rectification of vastu doshas. Available in numerous sizes as per the area it should be places; these crystal balls are all about balancing energy levels.

  • Helps in balancing positive energy within a given environment
  • Rectifies vastu dosha and the direction it is placed
  • Provides healing energy to the people suffering with physical ailments

Vastu Crystals Balls

Clear Quartz the most beautiful and yet the most powerful one is used in shaping up vastu crystal balls. Quartz is the most magnetic crystal and versatile that is filled with metaphysical properties. Amplifying the energy in the environment it is placed, it is essential to consult a vastu expert prior to utilizing it for personal gain. Quartz has the property of absorbing energy and therefore it is advisable to clean it every six months to ensure that it would only be filled with positivity,

Vastu Crystal Balls are filled with pure energy filtration and vibrations that radiate positive energy and release it within and around the environment it is placed.

How is Crystal Balls Beneficial as per Vastu Shastra?

Using crystal balls in any given space would help the space and the occupants in the following manner:

  • Balancing and harmonizing the energy released by crystal balls whether it is kept in home or in the office.
  • Rectification and correction of vastu doshas that enable in free energy flow to specific area enabling in overall well-being and ensuring prosperity of the occupants in a building or space.
  • Helps in promoting prosperity and attracts wealth and good luck.
  • Provides protection from negativity and even acts as good repellant of evil eye when placed in a particular direction within a property.
crystal ball 3 1

Different Color Crystal Balls and their Utility

It is essential to note that crystal balls are not only clear but also comes in various colors with different utility, let us explore these:

  • Red- Direction- south- is used for the purpose of attracting good luck
  • Blue are ideal for offices that enhances business
  • Green- Direction- east enables in enhancing the luck for career prospects and boosting career
  • Yellow are good to be used to balance and uplift mood
  • Pink best for improving interpersonal and intimate relationships
  • Orange is good to be used for financial inflow and luck related to money

Vastu Shastra – Is it a tool for stress free living ?

We are all in a state of constant stress due to the fact that we have forgotten to live a life without worry and without thinking about tomorrow. Having constant stress to have life in certain order and the illusion of gaining control these days is where the human is wrong and creating unwanted diseases due to stress. So, what can be done to eliminate stress from our lives? Vastu Shastra is the answer and holds the key to help relieve the burden of stress of daily grind and rat race, as per vastu expert from Dubai, vastu Shastra tips to help relieve stress is all about adjusting the frequency and vibration of your life and your space that would help bring harmony. Let us understand all about it.

Happy living

Vastu a tool for stress free living

These are some simple tips that will help balance energy within your body and in your surroundings that will help release stress and provide harmonious environment congenial for emotional and physical health:

  • Vastu Shastra suggests when not using the right direction for lying in resting position on your bed it can wreak havoc with the magnetic energy of earth and the brain waves. To bring it all into harmony it is essential that one should lie with head in south or east direction that will help release stress and provide restful sleep.
  • Avoid keeping your bed under a beam or rather avoid an overhead beam in your bedroom if possible, if this is not possible then paint it in white color to neutralize its effect.
  • Avoid keeping mirrors or even dressing table in your bedroom as it may reflect your body and it will cause stress and disease in body part reflected in the mirror. If it cannot be kept elsewhere then ensure to cover the mirror or adjust it so it won’t reflect your body. Same goes for reflective surface of TV screen and even having a mirror decoration overhead or on your bed.
  • Another means of eliminating stress due to overhead beam is to hang a flute on it that would bring back harmony while cutting off its negative influence.
  • If your house happens to have a courtyard then keep it well maintained at all the times as a dilapidated courtyard would only invite negativity and people occupying the space will be full of stress.
  • Electrical equipment especially those that are related to heat should be placed in southeast direction. Remember to do away with defective electronic equipment as it would only bring stress to the residents of the house.
  • Include light blue colors in your house and home décor but only after consulting a vastu expert from Dubai after a thorough personal analysis of the property.
  • Using lavender color is yet another way to eliminate stress, use it in bedclothes and bedsheets that would help your mind relax.
  • Include pink and all shades of this color that helps calm the mind and keep the stress away.
Stress Free Living

These tips mentioned above are simple yet effective when applied in your daily life. However, a personal consultation is something that would help you understand where and how to apply other principles of vastu Shastra so a vastu expert from Dubai will help analyze your property and suggest what needs to be done to bring back serenity and harmony in your life.

What does – “Everything in the Universe is a Vibration Mean”?

Vibrations are both negative and positive that are only felt and the impact viewed in the lives of the individuals who are receptive to it or the house or the space occupied by people experiencing its impact. It is essential to note that vibrations are like a gut feeling you get by visiting a certain place where you immediately inexplicably feel negative or feel positive for instance in temples or any holy places the feeling is positive and that of feeling blessed. This is how one can understand and know if certain place is good for them or bad.

Even quantum physics explains that everything around us are vibrations and at the sub-atomic level every molecule vibrates to a given energy or frequency that attracts likes and then it becomes bigger energy field, big enough to be impacting a space and people occupying it. While positive vibrations impact positively and bring prosperity to the lives of the people who are receiving it, negative vibrations are destructive in nature and wreak havoc in the lives of the people.

Everything in this universe

Vastu Shastra and vibrations

Vibrations influence the psyche of the human kind negatively or positively, when people receive positive vibrations they feel positive and serene, when they experience negative vibrations then it is chaos and mental stress. It is due to the impact of vibrations that it becomes essential to seek balance with tools like vastu Shastra,

If someone experience disharmony and displeasure in their vibrations then they are more likely to be the victim of bad or negative vibrations that equals to imbalanced vastu Shastra of a given place, as per vastu expert from Dubai, it is all about balance and creating harmony in the space utilizing remedial measures suggested in vastu Shastra. For instance if there is negative energy or vibrations in a space then using copper wiring would ensure that the place would start receiving positive vibrations and the residents will immediately begin feeling light and positive.

It is all about spirituality, cosmic energy and vibrations emitted by the cosmic elements that are either favorable or leave a bad impact on the individual, depending on the individual, their personal astrovastu and their planetary influences.

Everything in this universe

Harnessing Positive Vibrations Using Vastu Shastra

Utilizing the tools of vastu Shastra it is possible to neutralize energy wherever required, strike an equal balance between the spiritual and material aspects, and change the orientation of the space that would be positive to its dwellers. For this it is essential to seek the help of the best vastu consultant in Dubai, with her expertise on vastu Shastra and all aspects of harnessing positive vibrations it becomes possible to bring positivity in a given zone of the house or a building complex.

  • Readjustment between the items of the house that includes re-organizing the closet space, lights, paintings, changing colors of the rooms and placement of harmonious sculptures / vastu tools helps in balancing the energy.
  • When the placement of the objects are as per vastu Shastra principles it helps in balancing energy and at the same time strikes an connectivity with the higher power.
  • For instance the north-east direction is specifically best for mediation and prayer room, this direction is full of cosmic positive vibrations and helps in striking connection with the almighty. However, when this place is unbalanced with wrong placement of materials or items then it leads to stress, mental health issues that manifest in physical illness too.
  • North-east and east-north-east directions are related to two high vibration zones namely Vigyanmaya and the Manomaya koshas. These are known for connectivity of the self with the higher power or God which ever means you worship the power; the connection is where this zone plays a pivotal role.
  • For this reason having a prayer room in these zones is auspicious, one must remember that in order to gain the positive vibrations and to strike perfect harmony within self, harnessing the energy of Vigyanmaya kosha that would be north-north-east vastu zone, also known to provide spiritual solutions and make the individual receptive to divine guidance.
Everything in this Universe

Striking connection with the higher power and harnessing the positive energy or vibrations of the cosmos is possible by seeking vastu Shastra guidelines and its application. For this reason it is essential to get a personal analysis and let the vastu expert guide you.

Significance of Vibrations in Our Life

Great scientist Sir Nikola Tesla said that everything is energy and so with the same principle, the ancient science of vastu Shastra is governed. When it comes to frequency, energy or vibration it is all about the cosmic energy that engulfs all the particles whether living or non-living in the whole universe. With this it is essential to note that when one is in tune or in harmony with the cosmic energy or vibration, their life becomes harmonious and full of prosperity. As per vastu Shastra expert from Dubai, it is all about balancing and striking harmony within and around the space in accordance to the human life which is highly impacted by the vibrations. So, with this in mind, let us understand vastu Shastra nature and the elements that emit vibrations that are favorable to us and our life.

Significance of Vibrations in Our Life

Vastu Shastra and Universal Vibrations

Vastu Shastra is based on ancient scientific principles of frequency, cosmic energy and vibrations that are emitted by the planets, elements and occupy or influence certain directions and space. When it comes to energy that is contained within a component on this planet earth it should be remembered that one should strive to strike balance between the elements as per the law of the nature of universal law of vibration.

Natural laws that govern our lives are always in equilibrium but when we human oversee it or refuse to accept it all without considering the elemental science of vastu Shastra then chaos is what we experience in our lives.

For instance, vastu Shastra uses the principles of Panch Maha Bhootas or the five elemental sciences that comprises the following:

  1. Earth (Prithvi)
  2. Water (Apas)
  3. Air (Vayu)
  4. Fire (Tejas)
  5. Space (Akasha)
Significance of Vibrations in Our Life

With these elements, the energy that is radiated or the vibration is different and occupies a specific space or governs specific direction, when you consult a vastu specialist like vastu expert from Dubai; they analyze, bring notice to the elements and the vibration in accordance to the space and suggest remedial measures.

Now it is essential to note that when each of these elements are in harmony or in the right space or right placement of items are done as per the space defined for these elements then you are harnessing positive vibrations. When you clash the energy such as fire with water element placement then chaos ensues and life becomes stressful and diseases manifest whether mental or physical or both.

Vastu Shastra acts as a conduit of harnessing positive vibrations and it helps in bringing positivity to the lives of people following these principles. For this it is essential to understand the color coordination, space, elemental influence, items/ things/ construction material and placement of furniture and electronic equipment in the house and office. It highly impacts the environment around, so it is essential to be mindful while you are trying to achieve balance or symmetry or making a modern adjustment to your space that you have occupied. Without the application of vastu Shastra principles you will not be able to harness the positive vibrations of the universe.