
Gaumukhi OR Shermukhi – Vedasrivastu

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Gaumukhi OR Shermukhi - Vedasrivastu
May 2, 2024

Vastu Shastra compliance for constructing factories is essential as it would be harbinger of luck, fortune and abundance to the factory owner and the productivity level of the people working would be optimal with positivity in the environment. It is therefore essential that while you are handling practical aspects of factory location, investment and documentations, vastu Shastra too should be considered; let us hear it from vastu Shastra expert from Dubai on factory plots, what is auspicious and what is considered inauspicious.

Gaumukhi Plot

Broadly speaking there are two prime shapes to consider when it comes to factory plot shapes, one is Gaumukhi or cow-face and other one is Shermukhi or lion-face, let us understand the importance of these and the aesthetics, benefits and when it becomes inauspicious or what is more auspicious direction for purchasing these.


The shape of a cow-faced plot is considered auspicious due to the fact that cow is a holy animal in our scriptures, while one side is narrow another side is broad, thus calling it cow-face. The scientific concept behind this is a small mouth / front façade gradually takes the energy in and also consume and acuumulate gradually when it moves inside. Inside it moves gradually in mandlakar format


  • The plot is aesthetically more appealing to the vision of the onlooker, it is therefore ideal for residential purposes.
  • The energy flow too is positive as the shape is such and it enhances harmony between those who live there.
  • For better ambience the plot shape offers good front yard setting wherever it is required for aesthetic purpose.
  • Suitable for residential, religious, and cultural constructions, the plot is versatile. 


Such plots are broader in the front and narrow at the back, opposite to Gaumukhi plots. These are considered auspicious for commercial purpose as the animal itself is symbol of power, courage, control and efficiency. Such plots are ideal for all types of business ventures.


  • The shape of the plot is practically ideal for establishing industry or a factory.
  • Due to the broader space at the rear of the plot, it is advantageous for factory setting where storage, machinery and functional areas are required.
  • Aesthetically it may be less appealing, but it is considered one of the best shapes for factory construction purposes. 

shermukhi good plot

Inauspicious directions for  Gaumukhi and Shermukhi plots

  • North east extension for Gaumukhi is ideal as per vastu expert from Dubai. It is essential to keep other aspect in mind prior to purchasing such a shape plot or else it would create imbalance
  •  The extension should not be in the south east direction for Shermukhi shaped plot as it would then lead to negativity and will be prone to fire and accidents.


These might be simplistic yet potent tips when it comes to purchasing the right type of auspicious plot for constructing factories, yet it is always advisable that one should engage a vastu Shastra expert to gain insight and personalized solutions to avoid negative outcomes.

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