Students are always under stress due to performance issues and due to peer pressure, this always keeps them on their toes to outperform and outwit others. However, if the environment of the student, their room, and their surroundings are not congenial then they may lack focus resulting in anxiety issues.
So, what is it that they can do to advance themselves in their studies? Is there something that would help make their study room better that would enhance their focus? Well, the answer lies in Vastu Shastra; if the Vastu of the room occupied by the student is fixed and is full of elements inviting positive energy then they will be able to perform better in studies as it will help them focus better.

How is it possible? There are numerous elements and things to enhance the positive energy of the room as per Vastu, let us find out what exactly can be done to enrich their knowledge, enhance focus and concentration that would reap desired results.

Simple Vastu Tips for better focus
Vastu defects in the room of the student should not be overlooked as it leads to poor concentration, prone to low energy, and a confused state of mind. If these are the factors that are prevalent and you find that the child often complains of these ailments and is unable to focus on their study then you should fix the Vastu of the room they have occupied and perhaps even change the room too if required. If you want to be successful in your study then you should connect with Vastu Consultant that can give you the best Vastu for success in studies in Dubai services. The following Vastu tips by one of the best Vastu consultant in Dubai for better focus will help you take the necessary steps in this regard:
Enhance focus of the student:
- West Southwest is considered as the zone for children, education, and savings. This is the zone that is also responsible for rendering culturable values to the children. If this zone is clear and energized then it supports children’s growth and accumulation of the right knowledge. If there is any flaw in this zone of the house like toilet, kitchen, dustbin, or any sort of clutter then it leads to confusion, agitation, anxiety among the children. Hence, as a first step, parents need to ensure that this zone is clear from any anti activities. Considering the urbanization and modern architecture, sometimes it becomes inevitable, in that case, Dubai based Vastu consultant could help you advise remedies to block the negative energies in that particular area/zone.
- Remember that the study room is best in Southwest or West Southwest as these are the zones embarked for acquiring skills and enhancing focus that is much needed for the student to concentrate better. However, study rooms located in the East or the North directions are also considered favorable.
- Three directions or zones that should be avoided for placing the study desk are East of Southeast, South od Southwest and West of Northwest. These are the zones responsible for churning or disposable and we don’t want the child energies to be disposed of.
- Keeping a full glass of water near the study desk of the student helps in maintaining their level of focus. Think about the still water and stillness that it provides to the mind of the student and much required.
- Always ensure that extra caution is taken to keep the study room and desk clutter-free, as the state of mind is depicted in accordance with the state of the room. A clean, organized, and clutter-free room and desk will help in better focus and exude positive feelings.
- If possible you may check that the placement of the windows of the study room is in the North or East direction, maximum windows should be in that area and minimum in the South or West. If the room happens to have windows in South or West areas then it is better to keep them closed while studying.
- Remove any electromagnetic gadgets from the room as it only disturbs the energy of the room and hampers the concentration, keeping a mobile device in the study room is therefore not advisable. Think about it, if the child is distracted by notifications and calls then the concentration is thwarted.
These are some of the simple Vastu tips, but it is always better to consult a professional like the best Vastu Consultant for Business and Growth in Dubai to help you with personalized Vastu solutions that work faster and gives better results.