Vibrations are both negative and positive that are only felt and the impact viewed in the lives of the individuals who are receptive to it or the house or the space occupied by people experiencing its impact. It is essential to note that vibrations are like a gut feeling you get by visiting a certain place where you immediately inexplicably feel negative or feel positive for instance in temples or any holy places the feeling is positive and that of feeling blessed. This is how one can understand and know if certain place is good for them or bad.
Even quantum physics explains that everything around us are vibrations and at the sub-atomic level every molecule vibrates to a given energy or frequency that attracts likes and then it becomes bigger energy field, big enough to be impacting a space and people occupying it. While positive vibrations impact positively and bring prosperity to the lives of the people who are receiving it, negative vibrations are destructive in nature and wreak havoc in the lives of the people.

Vastu Shastra and vibrations
Vibrations influence the psyche of the human kind negatively or positively, when people receive positive vibrations they feel positive and serene, when they experience negative vibrations then it is chaos and mental stress. It is due to the impact of vibrations that it becomes essential to seek balance with tools like vastu Shastra,
If someone experience disharmony and displeasure in their vibrations then they are more likely to be the victim of bad or negative vibrations that equals to imbalanced vastu Shastra of a given place, as per vastu expert from Dubai, it is all about balance and creating harmony in the space utilizing remedial measures suggested in vastu Shastra. For instance if there is negative energy or vibrations in a space then using copper wiring would ensure that the place would start receiving positive vibrations and the residents will immediately begin feeling light and positive.
It is all about spirituality, cosmic energy and vibrations emitted by the cosmic elements that are either favorable or leave a bad impact on the individual, depending on the individual, their personal astrovastu and their planetary influences.

Harnessing Positive Vibrations Using Vastu Shastra
Utilizing the tools of vastu Shastra it is possible to neutralize energy wherever required, strike an equal balance between the spiritual and material aspects, and change the orientation of the space that would be positive to its dwellers. For this it is essential to seek the help of the best vastu consultant in Dubai, with her expertise on vastu Shastra and all aspects of harnessing positive vibrations it becomes possible to bring positivity in a given zone of the house or a building complex.
- Readjustment between the items of the house that includes re-organizing the closet space, lights, paintings, changing colors of the rooms and placement of harmonious sculptures / vastu tools helps in balancing the energy.
- When the placement of the objects are as per vastu Shastra principles it helps in balancing energy and at the same time strikes an connectivity with the higher power.
- For instance the north-east direction is specifically best for mediation and prayer room, this direction is full of cosmic positive vibrations and helps in striking connection with the almighty. However, when this place is unbalanced with wrong placement of materials or items then it leads to stress, mental health issues that manifest in physical illness too.
- North-east and east-north-east directions are related to two high vibration zones namely Vigyanmaya and the Manomaya koshas. These are known for connectivity of the self with the higher power or God which ever means you worship the power; the connection is where this zone plays a pivotal role.
- For this reason having a prayer room in these zones is auspicious, one must remember that in order to gain the positive vibrations and to strike perfect harmony within self, harnessing the energy of Vigyanmaya kosha that would be north-north-east vastu zone, also known to provide spiritual solutions and make the individual receptive to divine guidance.

Striking connection with the higher power and harnessing the positive energy or vibrations of the cosmos is possible by seeking vastu Shastra guidelines and its application. For this reason it is essential to get a personal analysis and let the vastu expert guide you.