The occupants of a home receive the energy of the home they are living in, the living space whether it is radiant or dull affects the mood and the attitude of the people living in it. For this reason, it is essential that you should check the energy of the house you are about to purchase or the house you are living in. Another thing to notice is that if you and your family are constantly suffering from ailments, losses, and quarrels for no apparent reason to pin it down, then the cause is related to Vastu’s defect in the house. Now it is essential that you should be able to get it diagnosed immediately by a professional like Vastu Consultant in Dubai.

Let us check out what does professional Vastu Consultant for Business and Growth in Dubai have to say about inviting positive energy in your home with the following tips:
- The entrance or the doorway should be facing East or North or South or West direction as these directions are auspicious. One should avoid entrances facing sub-cardinal directions like South-East, South-West, and North-West
- Use the best wood quality for the main door and it should be taller than other doors of the house
- The main door or the entrance should open in a clockwise direction
North-East Zone
- The Northeast zone of the house should be clutter-free
- Houses with toilets or kitchens in the Northeast should be completely avoided
- It is best to keep this place open and clean. A prayer/meditation room is considered good in North East
Living Room
- It should be kept clutter-free and free of too much furniture as it would only lead to confusion amongst the occupants.
- The location of the living room should be such that it should be in the East, North or North-east.
- South-west or West is the best direction to keep your furniture in the living room.
- South-east is the right corner to keep your electronic appliances in the living room or installation of any such devices or appliances.
- If you intend to keep a mirror in the living room then the North wall is the best place.
- The place for the harmony of couples and pace of rejuvenation, it should be painted in neutral colors or you can use earthy shades that are warm radiating energy. Avoid using black for any purpose.
- The placement of the bed should be in the South or East direction where you should lie with your head in that direction.
- Keeping an aromatic burner would enhance the positive energy of the room.
Courtyard or Center
- Often also the center of the house should be clutter-free and free of any heavy or metallic elements that weigh down the occupants of the house.
- There should be no obstructions in the center of the house within the circumference of 1 to 1.5 meters if possible or else follow the rule of thumb that you should keep the area free of any furniture or any other object.
- There should be no pillar or beam that hampers the positive energy of the house and would meddle with the health of the family members.
Ensuring that you follow the maximum that you can to bring in positivity in your home, you will be able to lead a happy and harmonious life in the home you have occupied.