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Pyra Vastu or Pyramidology – What is it?

Vastu Shastra is the ancient science of balancing elemental energies with that of placement, space and items with relevant directions; however, there is more to it. As per vastu expert from Dubai, there are numerous aspects to vastu Shastra, for instance it comprises of crystals, vastu balls and even pyramidology or Pyra that is less known to majority who are interested in Vastu. Understanding Pyra is essential as for fact it is not only an ancient structure but it is relevant in Vastu Shastra as well.


What is Pyramid?

As fascinating as Pyramids are, it is essential to understand that these huge structures that are amazing part of Egyptian culture are indeed utmost significant to vastu Shastra as well. Imbued with the power to focus cosmic energy and healing properties it is something that is designed in a specific manner that serves the purpose of uplifting humanity. Ingenious power of Pyra is undeniable, when used in the right manner it acts as a healing tool that can instantaneously help with relieving symptoms, with magical properties it also has the power to cease road accidents when placed in the right direction. The structure of pyramids is such that it possesses cosmic positivity that helps in curing numerous diseases and renders serenity, harmony and peace in the environment it is placed, such is its power. 

Pyra or Pyramidology

When we look at the unique structure of a pyramid, it is designed to harness cosmic energy and focus it on a focal point where it is required. The pattern or the structure is full of massive energy, the focal point called Pyra or the Fire and Mid is center, concentrated Pyramid is filled with the power to strike equilibrium wherever there is power misbalance or negativity is experienced. Often spiritual structures are designed with the geometric pattern of pyramid, for instance religious places of significance, temples, church, monasteries and mosques.


Pyramidology as remedial vastu tool

Deploying different tools and techniques, vastu Shastra utilizes the energy of pyramid as well within a structure or at a site that requires rectification. Pyramids are available in metal and crystal forms with different combinations for the purpose of rectification. It is essential to note that not only it acts as a tool to transmute negative energy into positive one, but also holds the power to change the environment and make it auspicious wherever it is placed. Holding the power to attract and focus cosmic positivity in and around it instills the environment with vibrant energy that helps elevate heaviness wherever it is placed.

 Even though different types of pyramids are available in the market these days, one should avoid randomly picking any, it is essential to understand which one is suitable and for what purpose should one use it. Noteworthy aspect regarding pyramids is that while one type may be good for a given situation, the same might not be suitable for another. While for a particular remedial measure (depending upon the zone that needs correction) – a metal pyramid may be recommended, the placement, the direction and the personalized vastu Shastra remedial measure might be suitable for a particular individual, it may differ for another, varying on individual and case basis. It is advisable to consult a vatu Shastra expert to reap the benefits of utilizing Pyra power.