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Cracking the Vastu Code in Dubai’s Sub-Cardinal Maze


Finding a Vastu-compliant dwelling in Dubai is a unique challenge. In Vastu, the scriptures advise that houses built on the cardinal axis like North, East, South, and West are more auspicious and prosperous than houses built on the sub-cardinal axis. But in Dubai, the majority of the city is designed on the sub-cardinal axis, with most properties facing towards the southeast, southwest, northwest, or northeast. Now, these directions have their own blend of advantageous and disadvantageous energy, so it really becomes difficult to get a Vastu-perfect home.


A client wanted to buy a house with Vastu requirements that included a positive entrance, a swimming pool, and a very beautiful view from the backyard. In a few interactions with the client, I explained to them that their choice was absolutely correct, but due to the designed orientation of the city, it might be very difficult to find such a property. The client was willing to wait for the completely positive home for his future. So, for a few months, the team researched different localities and surrounding communities, and then, after much painstaking effort, we eventually found the house that fit the vision of the client.

Problem Statement

The biggest problem with the client in this case was a hard-core and unrelenting longing for a swimming pool. The placement of any water body, including a swimming pool, is of great significance in Vastu. If a swimming pool is positioned in the North, it provides one with bountiful opportunities and calmness. When positioned in the Southwest, it creates severe disturbances in life, such as major health disorders, hefty monetary losses, and jittery relationships.



It’s worth noting that in a lot of the divorce cases (reported with Vastu associations), we have found some major dosha in the Southwest. Either there was a pool in the house or the entrance was in the direction of the Southwest of the house. With this knowledge, we could not advise any Northeast-facing house to the client.

The perfect solution was to find a house on the East-West axis. That way, the pool could have been located in the East or North, as both these directions are considered auspicious. But, the hunt for such a house on the cardinal axis, while also meeting other stringent requirements of Vastu, seemed very challenging.

After much searching, we finally identified a south-facing property. The client was extremely excited and ready to proceed, but their spiritual adviser refused to approve the purchase of a south-facing home. This popular myth of ‘South-facing house is not good’ (though right being on the auspicious pada of South) changed the client’s mind. (We will talk about this popular myth in some other blog.) Consequently, we had to restart the search.

Criteria Fulfillment for Apt Solution

After the client decided against the south-facing house, the team’s search became even more focused. We already knew that we had only a few options in hand:

  1. Find an East facing house with open garden in North
  2. A North facing house with an open garden in East
  3. A West facing house with an open backyard in East.

This entailed detailed due diligence of available properties and an understanding of how the requirements would match the market realities of Dubai.

Finally, an East-facing corner unit with a large open garden in the North was found. At first glance, the house fulfilled most of the client’s major requirements. There could be no better option than this—having a house that welcomes the rising sun and an open North that could accommodate a decent-sized pool. The house was meeting all said prerequisites but had a few drawbacks as well.

The property had to facilitate some structural changes. The client needed an extra bedroom on the ground floor for their elderly parents, but this property didn’t have any guest bedroom on the ground floor. And the major problem was the existence of a toilet in the Northeast because it’s a major Vastu violation.

It was a challenging task, as it required rectifications in the structure to make it a Vastu-compliant house. Considering the challenges of finding the right orientation and meeting all said requisites, balancing the shape of the plot and doing structural changes seemed to be an easier task. Hence, the client went ahead and finally signed the papers.

Methodology Applied & Solutions

Now was the step of concept development and incorporating the wishes of the client and keeping Vastu principles in mind. We did countless brainstorming sessions with engineers and contractors to consider vital structural changes which had to both meet the requirements at hand and bring about renewed energizing balance to the property. And this required great foresight in proper planning and a number of modifications.

The main concern was the main entrance, which we shifted to the ‘Jayanta and Indra’ padas, being the most auspicious padas for the house.



Image 1 (before) and Image 2 (after)- Primary attention was given to opening north side windows to welcome more light from North.

The kitchen, being originally in the Southwest, was relocated to the Northwest, which is considered the second most favorable place for the kitchen after the Southeast. Additionally, the client’s required pool was built in the side garden towards the North.


Image 3- Pool construction in the side garden towards North.

We also balanced the placement of beds inside the rooms as per client’s choice at zones duly appearing under West Southwest, Southeast, Northwest, and Northeast—good energy elements that rightfully travel through the proper areas. The toilets were relocated to the East of Southeast, South Southwest, and West Northwest—zones that are more favorable for such facilities. Also, an underground water tank was built to activate small patch of garden was not serving any purpose earlier (refer image 4 and 5). With the help of water tank, plants could flourish and grow in the area. It’s worth nothing that since plants possess life and their own energies, they can activate any unused or dead land.



Image 4 and 5

We also made space for the client’s requested temple area and home office. The home office was located in the Southwest and West-Southwest facing North, which are areas that promote professional skills and stability. We also balanced home’s energy by activating and placing Vastu plates down into the ground before any other construction.


I’ve always believed in the power of Vastu to create harmonious spaces. This case study is a testament to that belief. A phased and segmented manner in the processes of search and modification of the property conduces to innumerable challenges and complexities. Last but not least, it is by the patience and dedication of the client that the project was taken to conclusion with successful results. The final outcome not only met the client’s initial requirements but also ensured that the home would be a source of positive energy and prosperity for years to come.

Through this project, I’ve had the opportunity to demonstrate my skills as a Vastu Consultant and Numerology Specialist. Addressing complex challenges and providing tailored solutions, while always respecting the client’s wishes and the principles of Vastu, has been truly rewarding for me. I’m grateful for the chance to have turned a potential problem into a positive outcome.