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Auspicious and Inauspicious Plots for Constructing Residences

Residential vastu expert from Dubai explains how it is essential to first assess whether a plot is auspicious or inauspicious for construction, numerous factors are at play when it comes to choosing the right site for constructing residences. When the right or auspicious plot is chosen then it is likely to bring fortune and abundance to its dwellers, when the opposite is done then it only wreaks havoc in the lives of its inhabitants, let us understand all about it.

Residences - vedasrivastu

Auspicious & Inauspicious Plot

To determine whether a plot is auspicious or inauspicious for constructing residency there are some tips that you can apply and check.

  • Let the owner of the plot dig a pit equal to the length, depth, and breadth of their hand in evening, then fill it with pure water. Check the direction of the water rotation after it is filled up, clockwise is auspicious if the water is rotating in anticlockwise direction then remedial and rectification measures need to be applied using vastu Shastra and religious ceremony.
  • After digging the pit and filling it up with water as mentioned above, take hundred steps away from it, return back and check if the water level is the same than the house is good for you. If the water level decreases than such plot should be avoided
  • According to Vastu expert of Dubai there are many other ways of checking the energies level of the plot before you buy. 

Checking auspicious & inauspicious omens on digging

There are some common yet potent signs that directly indicate if a plot is auspicious or inauspicious after checking what materials/ items are unearthed while laying foundation:

Inauspicious omens

  • If one finds python or termite, snake, eggs, husk or chaff then it is inauspicious, if one builds a house on such a plot then they will suffer with immense pain.
  • If sea shells or cowrie shells are unearthed then the residents of such a plot will suffer with chaos in their relationships.
  • Torn cloth is unearthed then it leads to extreme worry within the inhabitants of the plot.
  • Burnt or broken pot or pieces or broken tiles lead to quarrels, burnt wood would mean diseases manifest.
  • Iron pieces are the worst omen to the owner of the house resulting in their death.

Such places should consulted well with an experienced Vastu expert and proper remedial measures should be conducted

Auspicious omens

  • Good omens as per vastu expert from Dubai to unearth would be tortoise shell/ oyster shell, conch-shell and cow-horn.
  • Unearthing or finding copper coins, stones, bricks on digging for foundation would bring good luck to the occupants.
  • A land where cow had lived is considered auspicious.
  • Land where you find Tulsi bring good omen to the inhabitants 

Auspicious plot shapes to consider

  • To be successful in all your endeavors ensure you purchase a rectangular plot.
  • For increasing your prosperity purchase a square shaped plot.
  • If you are dealing with academics and require enhanced wisdom then circular plot is ideal shape for you.

Residences - vedasrivastu

Avoid the following shapes

  • Triangular shaped plots would bring fear from authorities.
  • Plot that is broad at one end and narrow at another brings danger to house pets.
  • Bow shaped plot adds to fear and anxiety issues.
  • Curved boundaries with straight boundaries on either sides would lead to loss of wealth quickly.

It is advisable to consult a vastu Shastra expert to help with thorough analysis of the plot prior to purchasing one or signing a deal for one to avoid misfortunes and to invite good luck.